Issue Ninety Nine
Service Evaluation Concepts
Company Overview: This is a company that delivers information about the point of sale transaction to companies in a variety of ways. Mystery shopping, intercepts and audits are some of those ways. Based in Woodbury, New York, Service Evaluation Concepts, (SEC) has more than 25 years in business and also offers real-time feedback options. Types…
The 10 Largest Mystery Shopping Companies
This is an admittedly biased list of the 10 biggest mystery shopping companies. How is it biased? It is based on one simple number: The number of Mystery Shop Forum members who report they have registered with each company. In other words, these are the companies that mystery shoppers are most likely to be registered…
Shopping Should Enhance Your Life, Not Replace It.
Mystery shopping is extremely time-consuming. So how does a mystery shopper handle the burden of housekeeping, laundry, auto maintenance, yard maintenance, and pet care in addition to their shopping? It’s not easy. It helps to be sure your priorities are straight. The biggest thing is to prioritize the use of one’s time. It doesn’t pay…