Aaron Murdoch

Wow! This Mystery Shop Pays $75!

A popular extra-curricular outdoor activity that involves a motor, oil, and gasoline is, the world famous “All-Terrain Vehicle” (ATV). Most of us don’t remember this but the ATV first came on the scene in the 1960’s, it was packaged as just a slightly abnormal, six-wheeled, tractor-esque looking vehicle. Off-road enthusiasts could enjoy a nice ride sitting right beside their friend or significant other. Check out this link featuring the introduction of the “Jigger” and the “Terra Tiger” which later were referred to as an “Amphibious All-Terrain Vehicle “ (AATV) by clicking here.


In the 1970’s Honda began manufacturing the more traditional ATV which was manufactured as a three-wheeled trike. Later, the four-wheeled ATV was introduced, which is likely a vehicle that most of us better recognize today. Today’s mystery shopping opportunity involves visiting an ATV dealership that provides a nice $35 payment, plus an additional $35 for your time. The client is asking that shoppers be at least 35 years-of-age or above and can be either male or female. Interested shoppers must call the dealership ahead of time to confirm the shop’s hours of operation.


The scenario for this ATV mystery shop is to act like you are interested in purchasing an all-terrain vehicle for your 14-year-old grandson. According to the job posting, “You will be reporting back on what models are being recommended to you based on that scenario. You must conduct the shop alone. In particular, do NOT bring a child or youth with you on the shop.” If you are interested in this assignment, please click here to find out how to sign up.

Your Comments:

  1. Wanda Mckenna says:

    Wow they really have changed. You just v brought back some fond memories. That’s all.

  2. dkpskipper says:

    Maybe it’s the new Common Core Math?
    Title of the article says “This Mystery Shop Pays $75!”
    The article itself says it pays $35 with a $35 bonus.
    I’m only the son of a Math teacher but last time I checked, $35+$35 only equals $70.