Issue One Hundred Five

Mystery Shoppers, Inc

Company Overview: This is a family business started in 1994 by Beverly Gleason and her two daughters, Tiffany Gleason, and Trish Overton. From their office in Knoxville Tennessee they started small, serving nearby businesses. Today they serve a wide variety of industries including restaurants, banks, and healthcare in the United States and Canada. This MSPA…

Grass Roots America Update: Shoppers Still Owed Money

The Grass Roots Group closed their Grass Roots America division on March 31st, 2015, leaving mystery shoppers wondering if they will be paid. Since that time, many mystery shoppers  have received payment for their assignments. However, shoppers are still reporting they are owed money. The Grass Roots Group has not sent official communication to these…

Presto Insta-Shops

Overview: Presto Insta-Shops was created by the makers of SASSIE with the goal of providing shops, which were faster, easier and simpler for everyone involved. Just as the name implies, it allows for instant program creation, instant shopper sign-up, instant self-assign, instant surveys, instant review and almost instant payment (within days). John Hsu, Co-Founder of…