Posted By Jacob Jans, Editor

Grass Roots America Update: Shoppers Still Owed Money

The Grass Roots Group closed their Grass Roots America division on March 31st, 2015, leaving mystery shoppers wondering if they will be paid. Since that time, many mystery shoppers  have received payment for their assignments. However, shoppers are still reporting they are owed money. The Grass Roots Group has not sent official communication to these mystery shoppers about whether they will receive payments.

While those owed money should still expect the company to honor its obligations, the lack of communication is causing concern to many shoppers.

Because the parent company is still in operation, the closing of Grass Roots America should not play out like a typical company going out of business. The parent organization is still in business and legally liable for their obligations. Additionally, their continuing membership of the MSPA requires they pay their shoppers.

It is not clear how many shoppers are still owed money.

If you are owed money by this company, we are asking that you report your situation on Mystery Shop Forum in this thread.


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