Posted By Jacob Jans, Editor

Letter From the Editor

Welcome to Issue Six of Mystery Shopper Magazine! We believe that mystery shoppers matter, and that you deserve a media organization that represents you. We’re a small organization, but we’re striving to achieve the goal of giving mystery shoppers a voice.

We are also affiliated with Mystery Shop Forum, which does so much help mystery shoppers, and makes this magazine possible. I’m continually both grateful and amazed at the strength of the Mystery Shop Forum community.

We’ve started asking forum members to be featured in our magazine. Shopgal has graciously agreed to answer our questions, and is the first featured forum member. Be sure to read her profile.

If you’d like to be featured, please let us know! We’ll even pay you $10 if we feature you. As much as many assignments pay, but without the need to go out to the store, plus you get to write about yourself. How cool is that?

This week we feature two mystery shopping assignments, and two companies. Amie has written us a review of Trendsource mystery shopping. There are two issues that are hotly debated in relation to this company, so be sure to read it.

This issue, you also get to read about jewelry store assignments and cosmetics assignments. So, if you’re ready to pamper yourself, then be sure to read about these assignments.

If you have any questions or feedback, please be sure to send it our way.

Also, if you represent a mystery shopping company, and would like to be featured, or are interested in advertising with us, please let us know. We currently don’t accept advertising directly, but we’ll put you on the waiting list if you are interested.


Jacob Jans



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