Posted By Jacob Jans, Editor

Letter From the Editor

Welcome to the third issue of mystery shopper magazine! In this issue, we feature our first column by Cettie. It’s a harrowing account of her first mystery shopping assignment, over twenty years ago. We’ve also reviewed 2 mystery shopping companies, and show you how to get started with 2 assignments.

The review of Secret Shopping Services is a first to us. It’s not a positive review. The company appears to be going under, and there have been reports of shoppers not getting paid. I’m not happy to see a company go under, but hope that this review will help shoppers steer clear of a company showing signs of not being able to pay its contractors.

The review of Maritz shows a company that is worth signing up for. Not only do they have a long history of paying on time, they also answer their phones seven days a week.

As this Magazine enters its third week, we’re on a steady pace to becoming profitable. We have over a thousand subscribers to our email list, and our Facebook Fan Page is growing steadily as well. The advertising revenue we’re generating has been in line with our goals.

We plan on being around a long time, and we are on the path to doing just that.

Our mission is to help mystery shoppers in any way we can. We want to support mystery shoppers above all else. If you have any suggestions for improving our services, please feel free to contact me. My personal email address is

Additionally, if you are a representative of a mystery shopping company and would like to be interviewed for our magazine, please contact me.

If you are a mystery shopper, please send me your feedback, suggestions, or questions.

Happy mystery shopping.  I hope you enjoy this week’s magazine.


Jacob Jans

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