Edited By Ceridwyn

Featured Shopper: GeauxCJ

Forum Alias:  GeauxCJ

How long have you been Mystery Shopping? 4 years

Where are you shopping? Georgia and Florida. Occasionally Louisiana.

What got you started?  My friend told me that she signed up with this company called Market Force. She explained what she did, but I thought it was a scam. I waited until she got paid for 2 months before I signed up!

What was your first assignment and how did it go?  My first assignment was for a drive up burger shop. I had printed about 10 pages worth of paperwork, and was trying to remember everything I needed to do. I had a small checklist and my papers in a folder on the seat. I kept peeking inside to make sure I was about to order the right thing.

I made my order and began my timing. I checked the signage for the promotions, and wrote it in a text to myself. The carhop came out and startled me as I was looking at the stopwatch app on my phone. I tossed it to the ground and paid. She was sure to do everything correctly and repeated her name to me. I just knew I was outed. I checked the food and quickly drove away.

After entering the report, I was waiting to see if my first ever shop was rejected. Luckily, I was paid and had no issue! After that shop I had little issues with how to do it. I did quiz myself the next few times just in case. After doing the burger shops, I ventured into retail and restaurants. I just did my first hotel shop for a big name company. It amazes me how much I’ve done over the last 4 years.

What is your favorite type of assignment?  I enjoy eating at nice places. I found a company that allows me to go to fine dining restaurants. I would not otherwise be able to go on my own that often. I also liked the alcohol verification shops. They were quick and easy…and then I turned too old. I miss those. One of my favorites is going to the local zoo! I only have to evaluate the food vendors, and the report is fairly quick. I get to take my twin 3 year olds with me on those.

What kind of assignment haven’t you tried out yet?  I have not tried video shopping yet. I would eventually like to gain the courage to try them. I also would like to try out a casino shop at some point.

What’s your #1 tip for other shoppers?  Make sure you understand what the job entails. You know…like when you can only return the item after an hour, or can’t return it at all! Another tip is to be sure you are prepared to go over budget on certain shops. With a little planning you can try to make it work, but there are some that don’t cover everything with the reimbursement they provide. Think of it as a large discount. 🙂

What is your biggest pet peeve with mystery shopping?  I hate trying to get names off every associate I encounter. Some of them don’t have name tags, or their tags are in places that are inappropriate to stare at.

What’s your favorite MSC?  I’ve had good experiences with most of the companies I’ve shopped with. Some have lower pay, but are really easy. It depends on what you like to shop, and how willing you are to do the reports.

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