
Instant Replays

Company Overview: Instant Replays is one of the “Big 7” video mystery shopping companies. They have been in business for over 10 years and are based in Raleigh, NC. Their clients cover such diverse fields as property management companies, home builders, senior living communities, automobile dealerships, Tire and Automotive Service, hotels and restaurants, retail stores, and more. Their website is http://www.instant-replays.net.

Personal Experience: I violated two of the cardinal rules of video shopping—try one of each type of shop before signing up for a route, and try a regular shop before doing the same shop in video, when I signed up with this company. I had a route of car shops going in Florida [with a different MSC] and I got a call from Kathy Hart asking if I would like to add some senior living video shops to that route. Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I didn’t say “Yes”, I said, “Hell [or maybe it was heck] Yes!” With Kathy’s help, this [at the time] newbie video shopper managed to successfully complete the route…and I learned that Memory Care [Alzheimer’s] shops aren’t for me

What Others Have to Say: Although there aren’t any formal discussions of Instant Replays at www.mysteryshopforum.com, there are general bits and pieces where the company is mentioned in passing and everything that I’ve read is positive.

Overall: The company pays as advertised and is great to work with. Every video shopper should be signed up with them and, even if you don’t shop video, this MSC should still be on your list because they do have occasional traditional shops. Definitely an A+ MSC.

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