Welcome to Mystery Shopper Magazine

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We exist to help mystery shoppers succeed. That’s why we review mystery companies, and give you the details on specific assignments. Your first step to success as a mystery shopper is to sign up for mystery shopping companies. These are the companies that run mystery shopping programs for businesses. Nearly every chain store has a mystery shopping program. Restaurants, hotels, and even banks all get mystery shopped. And the way to be the mystery shopper is to sign up with mystery shopping companies

That’s why we review companies: So you can sign up with them and get the assignments you want. Each review will tell you the types of assignment that company tends to have and how to get assignments with that company.

We also send you specific assignments: This means we’ll tell you what those assignments tend to be like, and which companies tend to have them. This way you’ll be able to sign up with several companies that have that assignemnt type, and then have even more opportunities to do the assignments you want.

But you’ll get none of this unless you check your email.

So check your email now! (And maybe your spam folder.)

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