
GapBuster Update

In last week’s issue of Mystery Shopper Magazine, we reported on shoppers who had either not been paid, or have only received partial payment from Gapbuster. After we published that article, a shopper posted the following email on Mystery Shop Forum. They say it came from “Nathaneal” at GapBuster.

Thank you for your email

I know and aware of this forum

The reason we dont pay is because of wrong bank transaction details

We are moving all our payment from paypal to bank account

We are moving office from Melbourne to Malaysia , we are understaff also

We one day behind also

We dont have a phone number , but we have cell phone ( if you want i can text you the number )

Waiting on your kind respond

The “wrong bank transaction details” almost makes sense, until you consider those shoppers who have only received partial payment. If the bank details were correct for them to get part of their money, why didn’t they get all their money?

It is interesting to read that Gapbuster is moving from PayPal to direct deposits [I assume that is what is meant by “bank account”]. PayPal has an excellent track record with currency conversions, and they perform it at a minimal cost.

With direct deposit, one has to wonder if Gapbuster is going to be paying their shoppers in Ringgits [the official currency of Malaysia] and have the shopper bear the brunt of the currency conversion at their local bank?

Mystery Shopper Magazine has sent a couple of follow-up questions to Gapbuster and we await an answer. We have not heard an official response from the company since we have started contacting them. We have emailed and phoned them, with no response. As always, we will continue to follow this story.

For more information, read our previously published story on this issue.

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