
4 Companies with Business Verification Assignments

Overview: Business verifications, also known as on-site inspections, are conducted for the purpose of determining the legitimacy of a business and to prevent fraud. The clients are typically credit reporting agencies and resellers, background check suppliers and financial institutions. The in-depth inspections are all revealed; the photos-only assignments are usually unrevealed.

Since 2007, credit reporting agencies and resellers have been required to perform a physical inspection, by an independent third party, of any business receiving consumer credit information to ensure the entity is in full compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Financial institutions request the verifications primarily to ensure their investment is secure.

Job Description: Within a specified length of time, the field agent is required to call the company’s contact(s) at the phone number(s) provided and record the results. When the contact answers, the agent verifies the address listed on the work order and attempts to schedule an appointment within the following two days.

Upon arrival at the location, the agent observes the surrounding neighborhood and takes photos of the structure and all exterior signage. Once inside, a “Letter of Authorization” is presented to the contact, along with the agent’s driver’s license. Any interior signage is photographed.

The report typically lists a combination of observation-only and contact-response questions and requires a minimum of two exterior and five interior photos. The narrative is very minimal, although any variances must be clearly explained.

The report must be submitted within a limited timeframe, which normally is within eight hours of the inspection.

Fee Range: Inspections pay from $15.00 to $70.00, depending on the job complexity and the Mystery Shopping Company.

Why Shoppers Like These Assignments (The Yays): They may be covert; no memorization and no role playing is required; they’re interesting and offer variety; the contact wants to be approved for the product and is eager to cooperate; the job is easy.

Why Shoppers Dislike These Assignments (The Nays): They may be revealed; the potential fee for the background check; the certification tests; a two to three day availability is necessary to accept an assignment; the low fees of some assignments.

Conclusion: Business verifications are perfect for the “dot the i’s and cross the t’s type personality. Any and all variances need to be noticed and explained. Even though shoppers complain about the low fees and the required flexibility, the biggest complaint seems to be about how quickly these jobs fly off of the boards. “The Yays” love them!

4 Business Inspection Companies:

  1. TrendSource
  2. GCS Field Research
  3. Checkmate Inspections
  4. Integrity Consultants



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