Aaron Murdoch

Earn $50 to Fail an Exam with Mystery Shopping

Today is Thanksgiving, and I would like to wish each and every person a wonderful holiday. We all have a lot to be thankful for and one thing that comes to mind is having the ability to make extra money through jobs like mystery shopping. These opportunities truly give shoppers the freedom of supplementing their income to tailor any busy lifestyle.


A very interesting mystery shopping job was posted this week on the Mystery Shop Forum and I wanted to share it with all of our faithful subscribers. The post states, “Have you ever been paid to fail? For this shop, you will visit a testing site, take an exam, and be paid to fail the exam!” When I first read this I thought, “Now this is the kind of assignment for me and where do I sign up?”


The mystery shop requires the shopper to visit a certified testing center that distributes a wide variety of educational tests. Shoppers are expected to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam and will then be given a specific test that the shopper will need to complete in a minimum of 60 minutes.


Upon the completion of the mystery shop exam, shoppers will then need to upload a copy of their test scores to verify that the exam has been successfully failed. I don’t know about you but this is my kind of assignment. Get paid to fail an exam? This sounds like the perfect test for me. This shop pays a base of $30 plus a $20 dollar bonus for a grand total of $50 during the month of November. To learn more about this mystery shopping opportunity, click here.


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