Issue Fourty

Data Quest Limited

Company Overview: Data Quest Limited was founded in 1981 and is headquartered in Canton, Massachusetts and has a branch office in New York City. The company serves, “more than 1,000 companies, including Fortune 500 corporations, national chains as well as smaller companies on a local and regional level. These companies vary by industry, including but…

Lanla Marketing Research

Company Overview: Lanla Marketing Research is a Canadian MSC located in Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec. Their focus is on “various customer experience evaluation and measurement programs to companies, such as surveys, automated complaint management system, competitive analysis, expert consulting services, training, etc. We specialize in mystery shopper programs with real consumers. Our cutting-edge technology turns data collected…

Coyle Hotel Shops

A few weeks ago, I did an assignment review of hotel shops. Coyle hotels shops are really a shop unto themselves, so I felt the need for a separate column on this particular shop. Overview: These shops aren’t for your typical Holiday Inn or Marriot. Rather, hotel shops for Coyle are going to be involving…

How do I get a free Porsche for six weeks?

Hi I have done Porsche shops in the past. I don’t do video, but regular ones. I have never heard of getting the car for six weeks. I am a car freak and would love that. Altho not an SUV (haha). I want a Panamera. But anyway, how does one apply for that gig? Thru…