Aaron Murdoch

A Fast Mystery Shop with a Quick Form

One of the things that I personally look for when choosing a mystery shop is, of course, the money, but what else is important to me is the amount of time it should take to complete the assignment. Quickly, I will figure out the dollar to time ratio and if I don’t feel that it is worth it, I will skip it and move on to the next opportunity.


Today’s mystery shopping job comes to us from one of the best online resources in our line of work, the Mystery Shop Forum. When I saw this quick and easy assignment, I knew I needed to share it with all of my fellow mystery shopper colleagues. This is definitely an “eye-catching” assignment and yes, the pun is intended.


Mystery shoppers around the United States are needed to complete assignments in the optical industry which pays $12 for your time. This amount may not sound like a lot, but, considering how quick and easy this shop is going to be, it’s a pretty good gig. The company states that shoppers will enter the location and “act like you are interested in buying glasses.”


The company wants to know the answers to a few easy questions like “were you approached, and what you were asked,” along with one narrative explaining what had transpired. Does this sound simple enough? The post also states that “this is not a hard shop at all, and the form is short.” This should be music to every mystery shopper’s ears.


If this is something like you would like to find more information about, click here to learn more about this simple shop. Locations range all over the country like California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, New York, Texas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Ohio. To see if this assignment is offered in your area, click here.

Your Comments:

  1. cindy tarsek says:

    I want to apply for a mmystery shopper.