Aaron Murdoch

How to Become a Google Pay Mystery Shopper

Have you adopted one of latest methods of paying for goods and services online with using Google Pay yet? Personally, I have not given it a try as of today, however, it appears that this is the way our world of e-commerce is heading whether we like it or not.


The Mystery Shop Forum has a new posting from a company looking for shoppers to test out the Google Pay app in various settings like stores, restaurants, and gas stations. According to the post it states, “This is NOT your typical mystery shop because it is EASY, and I mean EASY! We are just testing to see if the Android Pay app works. Shop form is easy to fill out on your form and short!”


But first things first – what exactly is Google Pay, Android Pay, or Apple Pay for that matter? Well, let’s discuss this latest phenomenon sweeping the smartphone world by storm.  Google Pay is the combination of Android pay and Google Wallet into one platform. It is a way for consumers to easily pay for goods in stores without having to open their “physical” wallets.


To be able to participate in this Google Pay mystery shop opportunity, shoppers must have an Android smartphone and live in the following states: California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minneapolis, Missouri, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington.


Shoppers will quickly earn $10 for this shop and will be required to complete a short and easy form. To find out more about how to become a Google Pay mystery shopper, click here for all the details.

Your Comments:

  1. Flora Godsey says:

    I’ll be waiting for iPhone participation in google pay mystery shopping.

    • Andrea says:

      Me too … unless a “buy an android (with full reimbursement) turns up on the list too! Lol

  2. Susan says:

    I’ve done these, and it’s the quickest and easiest shop I’ve ever done.

  3. Brenda Clarke says:

    Can we test in Ireland please

  4. Charles Simpson says:

    Must have a phone with NFC.

  5. Kathy says:

    Have anyone done these shops whom subscribes to any Google subscription services? The shops require you to remove all credit cards from Google pay. But if you have a subscription to any services, you cannot remove your credit card unless you discontinue the credit card. Have anyone done these shops who subscribe to Google services and how did you go about it?

  6. Patsy says:

    Why is it that SD always gets left out. And if it is included. it’s Rapid City which isn’t even 1/2 the size of
    Sioux Falls. How about throwing some of the good fortune towards Sioux Falls? It is going to be metropolitian area
    one of these days. The city has been pushing for growth.
    They are growing and they will continue to grow.

  7. nadera says:

    Your website is refusing to open when you send me assingnments so help

  8. Tamera jonees says:

    Ny is not just the city of NY

  9. Rita Abramson says:

    How do I become a Google Mystery shopper