Aaron Murdoch

Work From Home Mystery Shopping Jobs

A part of my weekly routine consists of frequenting various mystery shopping websites in search of the latest assignments and information that you the shopper may find useful to know. I came across an interesting job assignment on the Mystery Shop Forum that goes hand in hand with the profession of mystery shopping itself.


More and more I am noticing that mystery shopping companies are in need of detail orientated people to work from home as part-time contractors to help these busy corporations stay up-to-date. This is a great opportunity for a skilled mystery shopper to supplement their income on the other side of the fence – scheduling and editing.


Schedulers are usually needed to be available seven days a week with a stable internet connection. Some of the characteristics a scheduler should have are personable, attention to detail, ability to follow precise instructions, good phone etiquette, proactiveness, creative writing skills, and the ability to meet prompt deadlines and of course, mystery shopping experience.


Editors mostly work from home and proofread mystery shopping reports to ensure proper accuracy, consistency, grammar, punctuation, and content. Like schedulers, editors need to have strong communication skills who can read and follow directions with excellence. If needed, editors will occasionally have to reach out to mystery shoppers to address any inconsistencies in the information reported. Having an outstanding command of the English language is vital along with having strong spelling and sentence structure skills.


If working from home as a scheduler or editor interests you, contact a few of your favorite mystery shopping companies and ask them if they have any openings. Sometimes it is nice not having to drive around town to complete mystery shopping jobs and these work from home opportunities may turn out to be just the right fit for you.

Your Comments:

  1. Marion Woodard says:

    This is something I would be interested in. Hoped you would have given the names of the companies who offer this service.

    Thank you,

    Marion Woodard