Aaron Murdoch

Your Mother Wants You to go Mystery Shopping

Do you realize that Mother’s Day is right around the corner? I know, it snuck up on me too. However, this special day to honor mommies everywhere is arriving on Sunday, May 13, 2018. This means that you only have a little over a week to splurge and show her how much she means to you. Let’s make some extra cash mystery shopping to pay for this notable event. Here are 5 mystery shopping companies to check out this week.


  1. Faith Perceptions is a division of Hendrickson Business Advisors and they specialize in offering church mystery shops. Simply, sign up to attend a church service and get paid to pray, worship, and meet other people. To sign up for this shop, click here.


  1. IPSOS Mystery Shopping is a certified MSPA company which is always positive, knowing that they are a reputable company. Signing up is fast, easy, and straightforward. They offer web and live chat mystery shops, micro-shops, and experiential mystery shopping assignments. If you would like to find out more, click here.


  1. Hospitality Now has specialized in offering mystery shopping jobs in the hotel and lodging, restaurant, pub, bistro, lounge, and assisted living industries for the past 23 years. If you enjoy performing assignments in the areas of hospitality, this may be the company for you. Click here to join.


  1. ath Power Consulting employes over 500,000 mystery shoppers all across the continent and are continuing to expand at a rapid pace. They are an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) as well as a certified member of the MSPA. To find out more about ath Power Consulting, click here.


  1. Field Agent refers to their mystery shoppers as “field agents” and are currently advertising their campaign for giving shoppers an opportunity to earn money using their smartphone. They state, “Simply use your iPhone or Android device to gather specific information. Then, get paid.” Sound interesting? Click here to sign up.

Your Comments:

  1. Ron Schalow says:

    Thank you for the link, but there does not seem to be a way to apply with Hospitality Now through their website.