Earn $60 to Take a Volkswagen for a Spin

November 18, 2018

The History Channel is a wonderful resource for historical information. Recently, I was perusing their website and I learned that in 1937, the car company, Volkswagen was established and its name at the time “Volkswagenwerk” translates directly into “The People’s Car Company.” During that time, Adolf Hitler was in power and according to the History…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies Hiring Christmas Shoppers!

November 15, 2018

Getting ahead financially can be difficult, especially as the festive season is fast approaching. Unfortunately, most of us spend too much money this time of year on food, presents, and travel. Why not make this year different from the past and pick up a few mystery shops to cash flow your Christmas spending? Here are…

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Lots of Storage Unit Mystery Shops Near You

November 12, 2018

Did you know that one out of every 11 Americans pays almost $100 per month just to park their extra stuff in a storage unit? According to curbed.com, this is exactly what’s happening all across the country. The article states, “The volume of self-storage units in the country could fill the Hoover Dam with old…

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Be a Millionaire for a Day with this Mystery Shop

November 8, 2018

According to the book, The Millionaire Next Door, it states, “we define the threshold level of being wealthy as having a net worth of $1 million or more. Based on this definition, only 3.5 million (3.5 percent) of the 100 million households in America are considered wealthy. About 95 percent of millionaires in America have…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies Guaranteed to Impress

November 4, 2018

Regardless if you are a rookie or a veteran mystery shopper, Mystery Shopper Magazine is dedicated to providing the latest information for those looking for new shopping opportunities. We’ve been digging around and our team has come up with 5 mystery shopping companies that are now hiring new shoppers, is no particular order.   Market…

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Make $15 at a Tire Inquiry Mystery Shop

October 31, 2018

According to the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association, “The U.S. tire manufacturing industry bolsters the U.S. economy with well-paying jobs and economic output that ripples across the economy and helps sustain communities.” Did you know that the tire manufacturing industry is responsible for producing $148.4 billion dollars and employs more than 737,000 workers across the United…

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Easy No Purchase Mystery Shop for Quick Cash

October 28, 2018

Today’s mystery shop is all about home energy, saving money, and earning some fast cash – all at the same time. This assignment does not require a purchase which is always a plus for those shoppers who prefer to not spend any more money than they have to, myself included! Mystery Shop Forum has a…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies That Will Knock Your Socks Off

October 24, 2018

I get it. We are all so busy and the thought of working even more to earn some extra money seems downright impossible. With our jobs, children, and day to day housework, how can anyone find the time to generate cash from a side hustle? Mystery shopping is the answer and here are 5 new…

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Gigwalk: A Smartphone Mystery Shopping App Paying $100

October 21, 2018

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, (NCSL) the organization states “Approximately 134,000 jobs were created in September 2018 and the national unemployment rate dropped to 3.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment increased in professional and business services, health care, and in transportation and warehousing.” This is wonderful news to hear that our economy is…

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Full-Time Mystery Shoppers Needed – Cell Phone Provided

October 19, 2018

According to ZipRecruiter, the average full-time mystery shopper earns $44,146 per year in the United States. On the low end, this report states shoppers begin at $11,500 all the way up to $121,500 at the profession’s peak. That’s a lot of money and a hefty income for working as a secret shopper. ZipRecruiter states, “This…

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Observa: Interview with CTO & Co-Founder Erik Chelstad

October 15, 2018

MSM talks with Erik Chelstad, CTO & Co-Founder of Observa New shoppers may register with Observa by clicking here. MSM: What is Observa?  Erik Chelstad: Observa is designed to give brands and retailers the information they need to succeed in today’s highly competitive market. E-commerce, even though it is a small percentage of overall sales, is…

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A High-End Mystery Shop for $70

October 10, 2018

Over the past few months, I have been finding myself browsing some local jewelry stores in search of an expensive watch. As I am getting older, I have a much higher appreciation for “quality over quantity” and one day soon, I would really like to purchase a Rolex. Before I get judged prematurely, let me…

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It’s Time to Make Extra Money With These 5 Mystery Shops

October 7, 2018

It’s hard to believe that it is already October; summer is officially gone and before we know it, Thanksgiving Day will be here. With these upcoming festivities, it may be a good idea to begin thinking of budgeting for the upcoming holiday season. I encourage you to pick up a few extra mystery shops with…

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Work From Home Telephone Mystery Shop

October 3, 2018

Due to our digital age, the use of technology and the internet has completely revolutionized the landscape of our working world. More and more people have the ability to work from home thanks to the advanced minds of innovators like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Mystery shopping is certainly included in ways that people can…

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Wow! This Mystery Shop Pays $75!

September 30, 2018

A popular extra-curricular outdoor activity that involves a motor, oil, and gasoline is, the world famous “All-Terrain Vehicle” (ATV). Most of us don’t remember this but the ATV first came on the scene in the 1960’s, it was packaged as just a slightly abnormal, six-wheeled, tractor-esque looking vehicle. Off-road enthusiasts could enjoy a nice ride…

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Get Paid $45 Minimum for This Shop Plus Bonus

September 26, 2018

How many of us go out of our way to willfully donate the gift of life to plasma banks? I know many people who give back on a regular basis but personally, I have never done it. It is hard enough for me to make it down to the doctor’s office to give a sample…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies You Should Sign Up For

September 23, 2018

As we progress our way through September, most of us are experiencing life settling back towards a regular routine of normalcy. Now that the kids are back in school, mystery shoppers across the globe have the chance to focus on the things that are really important – making some extra cash. Here are 5 mystery…

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This is a “No Nonsense” Mystery Shop

September 19, 2018

The Crowne Plaza hotel is a hospitality corporation with over 400 properties located in 65 different countries across the globe. It’s no wonder why this company is one of the top luxury vacation destinations in the business. According to their website, “Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts is one of the largest upscale brands in the…

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Get Paid $30 for an Airport Mystery Shop

September 16, 2018

Whether you are someone who flies domestically or internationally, traveling by airplane has become an average, every day, and regular part of our lives. With the increasing number of discount airlines popping up across the country, travelers are able to fly easily to another city and enjoy an extra long weekend every now and then….

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Get a Side Hustle with these Mystery Shops

September 13, 2018

Millions of hipsters, millennials, and just plain old “regular people” around the world have recognized the importance of having a side hustle – also known as, a part-time job, on top of their normal daytime positions. Whether your gig is walking dogs, building websites, or completing mystery shops, there is something out there for everyone….

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Fast and Easy Merchandising Shops Available

September 8, 2018

If you are a mystery shopper looking for a no-nonsense, “Git ‘Er Done” kind of assignment, look no further, your opportunity has arrived. According to Ellis, a mystery shopping company located in Irving, Texas, “Merchandising jobs usually have set hours and days and involve replacing store products and setting up store displays.” These positions usually…

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Mystery Shoppers Needed for Candy Stores

September 6, 2018

I am definitely out of the loop when it comes to “the latest and greatest” trends going on around the world. Recently, it has been brought to my attention that there is a novelty candy store chain that is known for selling mega-sized portions of America’s favorite sweet treats to their sugar-loving customers. If the…

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Make an Extra $100 by Not Mystery Shopping

September 3, 2018

For whatever reason, I think that all Mystery Shoppers sometimes get tired of conducting the same old shops after a while on the job. Of course, none of us would actually ever give up entirely on our craft, but the fact of the matter is that sometimes we get “burned out” dealing with life’s stressors…

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A Pet Food Mystery Shop That Pays $50

August 29, 2018

Have you ever wondered how many domesticated pets there are living in the United States? According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), the number of animals owned as pets is listed into the following categories: 20.3 million birds 94.2 million cats 89.7 million dogs 7.6 million horses 139 million freshwater fish 9.4 million reptiles…

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Get your Smartphone Screen Repaired Free with this Mystery Shop

August 26, 2018

We have all been there. It’s Monday at 7 a.m. and the whole family is frantically scurrying around the house having showers, preparing lunches, and trying to get the children dressed for school. A situation like this can be a stressful one but guess what? One of your small children has your smartphone, and he…

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This Mystery Shop Pays $65 to ask a Question

August 22, 2018

The automobile repair business generates billions of dollars each year within the United States. According to IBISWorld Industry Research, “As the average age of vehicles increases, demand for industry services grows, as routine maintenance and repairs are typically necessary to keep vehicles running. Older vehicles require more frequent repairs, supporting industry growth.” The site states…

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5 “Back to School” Mystery Shopping Companies

August 19, 2018

Children all over the country have just begun another school year and are back into the full swing of the “back to school” routine. The expenses for new clothes, shoes, and supplies is something every parent has encountered this time of year. Here are 5 mystery shopping companies that are hiring so that you can…

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Earn $150 by Saying “No” to this Mystery Shop

August 15, 2018

We have heard the horror stories of people who have been enticed with a free hotel stay and a free gift just to attend a so-called, “presentation.” Everything usually starts out well and dandy with a well-spoken representative of a timeshare company who just innocently wants to inform their group of listeners about their special…

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This Dental Mystery Shop Pays $75 Plus Reimbursement

August 12, 2018

We live in a day where the aged are living much longer compared to their ancestors, thanks to modern medicine and the advancement of technology. What is alarming is that millions of Americans still “brush” their dental work off to the side, and some skip years of routine cleaning and maintenance due to lack of…

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Get Paid $30 for This Super Easy Mystery Shop

August 8, 2018

The housing market across the United States did behave as planned according to some industry experts last year. In fact, everything they thought would happen, didn’t. According to Forbes, Skyler Olsen, who serves as the senior economist at Zillow stated, “We thought there would be some things to take the pressure off.” She goes on…

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Earn $33 Mystery Shopping with Your Dog

August 5, 2018

Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, and even pigs play an active role within the modern day American family. There comes a time in most households where young children desire to take on the responsibility of feeding, walking, and grooming a pet of their own.  According to PRN Newswire, the pet industry across the United States is…

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How to Make $70 Praying on Sunday Morning

August 1, 2018

According to Pew Research, the Christian population within the United States has dropped from 78.4 percent to 70.6 percent between the year 2007 and 2014. Why is this? Apparently, the Protestants and Catholics are experiencing a decline in their faiths while non-denominational and non-Christian faiths are beginning to increase.   Another not-so-common fact about the…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers for Summer

July 29, 2018

Depending on where you may live across the country, it has been a hot, dry and humid summer. Don’t be like everyone else and kick back into vacation mode, make the best of this time to get ahead and earn some extra cash by mystery shopping. While everyone else is taking it easy, you have…

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This 5-Minute Mystery Shop Pays $20+

July 25, 2018

Underage drinking is a real issue that the hospitality industry faces on a day-to-day basis. In order for brewhouses, pubs, night clubs, and restaurants to stay in business, there are laws that they must follow, or else they will be put out of business. Cracking down on minors trying to purchase alcohol is a part…

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How to Make an Extra $3,000 with Mystery Shopping

July 22, 2018

Looking for a legitimate way to earn some extra money can be a difficult task with so many “get rich quick” and offers that promise to bring in easy money by working at home, stuffing envelopes five hours a week. It’s no wonder why people get discouraged and think that it is not possible to…

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A High-Paying Mystery Shop with Bonus

July 18, 2018

How long has it been since you have last visited the zoo? Maybe you went when you were just a child, and perhaps now you are reliving your childhood through the eyes of your own children. Whatever your answer may be, the zoo is truly a wonderful place for the entire family to spend a…

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“Make Me an Offer” Mystery Shop in Canada

July 15, 2018

I have been asked on more than a few occasions by those living in the “Great White North” to provide some mystery shopping assignments offered in Canada. Even though I live and work in the United States, I have a love for this great country. It’s not just because the people are so nice, but…

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5 Hot Mystery Shopping Companies Hiring Right Now

July 11, 2018

It is the hottest season of the year, and it is important to take some time out for you and your family to relax and enjoy these “dog days” of summer. While you are at it, check out some of the latest companies who are looking for mystery shoppers to join their team. Here are…

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VeriTES: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

July 8, 2018

Company Overview: VeriTES is a member of the Penn Schoen Berland (PSB) Company and is dedicated to serving all of their global clients through powerful marketing solutions. A couple of the industries that they serve are film studios and cinemas. They hire field representatives like mystery shoppers and assignment auditors to complete various jobs within…

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“Work From Home” Mystery Shoppers Needed

July 4, 2018

Happy belated Fourth of July. Millions of Americans have just wrapped up celebrating one of the most important days of the year, Independence Day. This is a time where the people of the United States honor the signing of the Declaration of Independence that took place way back in the year 1776. According to The…

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How to Make an Extra $100 in Addition to Mystery Shopping

July 1, 2018

If there are extra ways of making money within the mystery shopping industry, I definitely want to hear about it. Afterall, this is something that we all do on a regular basis, why wouldn’t shoppers want to earn an extra $100 on top of their mystery shopping assignments? Every dollar counts, and if you are…

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Free Large Pizza and $15 with this Mystery Shop

June 27, 2018

Did you know that the first licensed pizzeria to sell pizza within the United States was a restaurant named “Lombardi’s” and was located on Spring Street in Manhattan, NY? Well, according to history.com it was, and the popular dish began its reign in the year 1905. Although not currently operating at the original site, today,…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies Hiring for Summer

June 24, 2018

Summer has arrived and depended on where you live, afternoons are hotter, days are getting longer, and the nights are wonderfully comfortable. Everyone has worked hard all year long and you may find yourself enjoying a little bit of downtime during this vacation season. Why not pick up a few extra mystery shops during these…

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Enjoy a Mystery Shop on the Golf Course

June 20, 2018

According to Wikipedia, the countries with the most amount of golf courses from highest to lowest are as follows: Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Canada, Wales, United States, Sweden, and England. However, the United States is the only country to send an astronaut to the moon who was actually able to drive a golf ball…

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“Name Your Price” with this Mystery Shop

June 17, 2018

Well, this is a first. Today I was looking through some of the new mystery shopping opportunities listed on the Mystery Shop Forum and I found a very intriguing assignment. It appears that the original payment for this shop began at $25 but is now offering a $10 bonus, so it’s been boosted up to…

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Get Paid $60 to Fail a Mystery Shop

June 13, 2018

Whether you are currently in school, out of school, or have ever been in school, we can all relate to all of the work, effort, and stress that goes into preparing for a test. How would you like to be able to show up to a testing center without a care in the world and…

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How to Become a Google Pay Mystery Shopper

June 10, 2018

Have you adopted one of latest methods of paying for goods and services online with using Google Pay yet? Personally, I have not given it a try as of today, however, it appears that this is the way our world of e-commerce is heading whether we like it or not.   The Mystery Shop Forum…

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A Putt-Putt Miniature Golf Mystery Shop

June 6, 2018

Putt-putt, mini golf, par three, pee wee golf, whatever the term is that you use to reference this family-friendly game, it has provided good clean fun for the past 60 years. According to USA Today Sports, in 1954, a man named Don Clayton opened the first mini golf course in Fayetteville, North Carolina and within…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers for the Summer

June 3, 2018

Parents everywhere have almost made it through another school year as we approach the summer break. This means that children everywhere will be enjoying their time off of school and we parents need to keep them productively occupied and mystery shopping is a great way to help pay for those extracurricular activities. Here are 5…

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A High Paying Bank Mystery Shopping Job

May 30, 2018

It appears that the folks over at KSS International are at it again, as they are currently recruiting mystery shoppers to perform assignments in the financial sector. These kind of shops are some of the best paying gigs around, and this one is certainly no different. Mystery Shoppers are needed to open up checking accounts…

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Where to Find Cell Phone Mystery Shops

May 28, 2018

One of the most precious items that we all feel the need to take with us before we leave the house, is our hallowed cell phones. It doesn’t matter if you are sporting an old-school flip, candy bar, or smartphone, this is the one thing that most of us can’t live without. Heavens to Betsy,…

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FreeEats: A Money Making App

May 23, 2018

Company Overview: FreeEats is a fun way to make some extra money by clicking on links sent to members via text messages. According to their website, “We pay registered members to respond to surveys and view our clients’ advertising and other content on registered mobile devices. If you register, you’ll get paid to receive messages…

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Work From Home as a Scheduler or Editor

May 20, 2018

Are you the type of person who is always on the lookout for additional money-making opportunities to help supplement your income? Me too, and I get very excited when I learn about these kinds of jobs. Mystery shopping is a wonderful way to earn extra cash but there are additional ways shoppers can get ahead…

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An Easy Mystery Shop That Pays Easy Money

May 16, 2018

Seasoned mystery shoppers that have been working in the industry for a while are great at figuring out the kinds of assignments that work for the best for them. Personally, I get a little tired of having to shell out money in order to complete a mystery shop. So, when I find a job that…

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Observa: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

May 13, 2018

Company Overview: Observa is an app-based company that provides “real-time insight into your retail sales and marketing efforts. You will see what your customers see as they make their decision.” In this case, the customer would be you, the mystery shopper, who will accept assignments from their smartphone and report on specific products and merchandise….

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How to Become a Southwest Airline Mystery Shopper

May 9, 2018

Are you a person who frequently enjoys the luxury of air travel? These days, flying by airplane really isn’t only for the rich and elite anymore, but has actually become a regular way of life for millions of people around the world. Who would have thought that mystery shopping companies would be offering these kinds…

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How Does an Extra $200 a Month Sound?

May 6, 2018

Supplementing incomes in addition to “regular” jobs can be accomplished in a variety of ways such as mystery shopping, delivering pizzas, cleaning houses, designing artwork, or any other kind of side hustle that one may be interested in doing. Along with mystery shopping, a money-making opportunity that we often hear about in the industry is…

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Your Mother Wants You to go Mystery Shopping

May 2, 2018

Do you realize that Mother’s Day is right around the corner? I know, it snuck up on me too. However, this special day to honor mommies everywhere is arriving on Sunday, May 13, 2018. This means that you only have a little over a week to splurge and show her how much she means to…

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Walmart Mystery Shoppers Needed

April 29, 2018

We live in a fast-paced and technology-driven world and the mystery shopping industry is certainly no different. I am discovering more and more mystery shopping smartphone applications that are simple to navigate, offer easy and quick assignments, and pays shoppers that same day. These new companies are “raising the bar” for industry’s standards and are…

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Stop by a Hotel and Make $25 Mystery Shopping

April 25, 2018

Visiting a hotel is always a fun experience and depending on the chain, mystery shoppers have an opportunity to capitalize on not only making a cool $25, but on free stuff as well. If you were complete this hotel shop before 10 a.m. the chances are good that they will be serving a complimentary breakfast…

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A Fast Mystery Shop with a Quick Form

April 22, 2018

One of the things that I personally look for when choosing a mystery shop is, of course, the money, but what else is important to me is the amount of time it should take to complete the assignment. Quickly, I will figure out the dollar to time ratio and if I don’t feel that it…

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Get Paid $35 for an Easy 10 Minute Mystery Shop

April 18, 2018

Finding the time to make some extra money is sometimes a difficult task for some people to accomplish, especially if you already work a full-time job, have a spouse, and have children to care for. That’s why mystery shopping is such a great option for those who find themselves to be regularly “on the move.”…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies That Needs Shoppers Now

April 15, 2018

In my opinion, mystery shopping is the best way to make some extra money because there are no set obligations to take on an assignment. If you see a job that you like, you can just sign up for it but if you see one you don’t like, simply move on to the next opportunity…

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Hendrickson Business Advisors: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

April 11, 2018

Company Overview: Hendrickson Business Advisors is a market research company specializing in mystery shopping, focus groups, and other marketing planning services. A unique aspect of their company is that they offer church mystery shopping opportunities for those who enjoy visiting different places of worship.   How to Sign Up and Get Assignments: Becoming a mystery…

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Work From Home Mystery Shop Pays $30

April 8, 2018

Whenever I learn about a highly profitable mystery shop, thoughts of excitement, joy, and of course, dollar signs enters into my mind. Work from home Mystery Shopping assignments is especially motivating because of the high level of profitability. Knowing that a shop can be completed from the comfort of your own home is invigorating because…

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How To Earn Half a Million Dollars Mystery Shopping

April 4, 2018

Mystery Shopping has given the average American family the ability to become wealthy. Some of you might say, “yeah right” to this bold statement but before you begin posting comments that you would never have the nerve to say face to face, please hear me out before deciding on burning me at the stake.  …

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How to Get a Free Oil Change with Mystery Shopping

April 1, 2018

Mystery shopping gives independent contractors the ability to not only make some extra money but to also reap the rewards of receiving free goods and services also. I think all of our fellow mystery shoppers can agree that we rely heavily on the use of our personal vehicles to get us to work, school, and…

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5 Legit Mystery Shopping Companies Hiring Right Now

March 28, 2018

Mystery Shopping is one of the best part-time (or full-time) jobs for those who embrace convenience, flexibility, and freedom. Not only can shoppers pick and choose the type of assignments they want but they can do them almost any time of the day. Here are 5 more mystery shopping companies to consider in no particular…

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If You Have a Bathroom You’re Eligible for This Mystery Shop

March 25, 2018

According to the Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity (LIRA), the home improvement industry is projected to produce “healthy and stable growth” and is expected to continue growing in 2018. It’s no wonder why this area of business is seeking the help of mystery shopping companies across the country – home improvement is a booming trade!…

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This is a Fast and Easy Mystery Shopping Job

March 21, 2018

Mystery shopping is unique because it is one of the few occupations that encompasses such a wide variety of assignments. This is a good thing because it is the type of job that can be appealing to anyone wishing to make some extra cash. Whether you enjoy performing shops in retail, automotive, banking or food…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies Worth Checking Out

March 18, 2018

Finding a legitimate way to earn some extra money can be difficult and that’s why mystery shopping is the perfect side hustle. There are plenty of great companies that offer mystery shoppers a way to get ahead in this sometimes “dog eat dog” world that we live in. Here are 5 new mystery shopping companies…

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This Mystery Shop Pays $65 for an Hour of Your Time

March 14, 2018

Mystery Shopping is a great way to make some extra cash in a relatively short period of time. It is a flexible, convenient and fun environment where shoppers can pick and choose the types of shops specific to their personal interests. If you enjoy heading out to the car lot and checking out some new…

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Make $265 with this Wells Fargo Mystery Shop

March 11, 2018

One of the latest trends that I have noticed in the financial industry are institutions paying new potential customers hundreds of dollars just to open up a bank account. This tells me that these banks have entirely way too much money, but that is a discussion for another day. The positive aspects of these kinds…

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Get Paid to Watch a Boxing Class with Mystery Shopping

March 7, 2018

Health, fitness, and staying in shape is probably more popular now than it’s been ever before. Everywhere you look we are bombarded with television commercials, radio advertisements and billboards promising you a rock hard body by simply signing up for a gym membership. I mean it’s really that easy to turn your physique into one…

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Make $40 with this at Home Mystery Shop

March 4, 2018

Mystery Shopping is the kind of part-time side hustle that can be very profitable. Today, I have found that easy, quick, and lucrative opportunity and would like to share it with all of you. The opportunity was posted on the Mystery Shop Forum; a tremendous resource for mystery shoppers all over the United States and…

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5 Ways to Earn More Money with Mystery Shopping

February 28, 2018

Life can get very hectic juggling children, relationships, and careers that it can become difficult to find the extra time to dedicate to mystery shopping. However, with a little bit of planning and organizing, you may be surprised how much extra money you can make by doing some of the things you love. Here are…

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SeeLevel HX: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

February 25, 2018

Company Overview: SeeLevel Human Experience (HX) is a research company dedicated to offering mystery shops in virtually every industry. Restaurants, banks, automotive and retail are just a few of the areas they serve. On a yearly basis, SeeLevel HX completes more than 250,000 mystery shopping opportunities thanks to their independent contractors.   How to Sign…

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This Mystery Shop Pays $50

February 21, 2018

If you or someone you know has children then you recognize the importance of finding a reputable, trustworthy and educational facility. There are so many variables involved in discovering a high-quality early learning environment. It is like locating a hidden treasure when you come across one that you would actually agree to enroll your kids…

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Make a Quick $35 Mystery Shopping at Home

February 18, 2018

Most of us living in the United States have an excessive accumulation of “stuff” hiding in our basements, closets, spare bedrooms, garages and sheds that need a good spring cleaning. It is so easy to go by the motto “out of sight, out of mind” when it comes to storing all of our belongings that…

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5 New Mystery Shopping Companies to Check Out

February 14, 2018

Millions of Americans spent a small fortune this week expressing their love through purchasing flowers, chocolate and gourmet meals for that special loved one. Unfortunately, these things come at a cost and we all know Valentine’s Day can be a very expensive day. That’s why I’m recommending to check out 5 new mystery shops and…

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A High-Paying New Car Mystery Shop

February 11, 2018

I have personally conducted many new car mystery shopping assignments at automobile dealerships which have usually paid between $14 and $18. Interestingly enough, there is an exciting job available for shoppers looking to take a new car out for a spin that is paying an impressive $50 which has been recently posted on the Mystery…

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How to Get a Carpet Cleaning Mystery Shop

February 7, 2018

If you live in a home that has wall-to-wall carpeting, then you know how quickly this kind of flooring can get dirty. All it takes is a couple pet stains, coffee spills, or markers to stain your carpets and it is time for a deep professional cleaning. The Mystery Shop Forum has a new mystery…

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This Mystery Shop is Completed in Bed

February 4, 2018

A very large mattress company is currently looking for mystery shoppers to conduct a fast and simple assignment available all over the United States. This job was posted earlier this week on the Mystery Shop Forum and states, “This is a very easy shop with a short form and no comments!”   If you enjoy…

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These 5 Mystery Shopping Companies Need Shoppers

January 31, 2018

February has fallen upon us and you know what that means – it’s almost Valentine’s Day! This special day of celebrating love can also be a pricey one; especially when you add in flowers, chocolate, and going out to dine at a quaint restaurant. Mystery Shopping can help pad your wallet to make this Valentine’s…

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This Mystery Shop Pays $18 per Hour Playing Video Games

January 28, 2018

Finding new ways to earn extra money is something that I am always consciously aware of and when I find a unique opportunity, I like to “spread the word” to as many people as possible.   Today, I have found a really cool way to make some extra cash and it’s not your typical mystery…

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How to Get into Amusement Parks for Free by Mystery Shopping

January 24, 2018

Company Overview: According to their website, Amusement Advantage has been the “Exclusive member to the attractions industry since 1996.” The mystery shopping company was founded by Scot and Christine Carson out of their passion for the amusement park industry. Amusement Advantage is based out of Arvada, Colorado but has mystery shoppers and accounts located all…

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This is the Easiest Mystery Shop Ever

January 21, 2018

If you are like me, I love discovering fast, easy, and high paying mystery shops to perform. Today’s mystery shopping opportunity may just be one of the easiest shops I’ve ever stumbled across and it was recently posted on the Mystery Shop Forum.   Today’s mystery shop involves shoppers to be paid $15 just to…

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5 New Mystery Shopping Companies Hiring Right Now

January 17, 2018

Let’s face it, most people who make new year resolutions never see them through to the end so why not make one that you will actually accomplish? There are numerous new mystery shopping opportunities available all over the United States. Check out 5 new companies that are hiring shoppers right now in no particular order….

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This is an Easy Mystery Shop for All

January 14, 2018

Today is a very important day in United States history – it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and it is a time to celebrate a great life who fought for the equality for all of mankind. Do you know what else I am thankful for? The opportunity to earn as much (or as little)…

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Make $30/hour Mystery Shopping a Senior Living Facility

January 10, 2018

Mystery Shopping is an interesting occupation mostly because of the wide variety of industries it encompasses. Virtually every organization on the planet can benefit from having mystery shoppers visit their place of business to make sure that customers are greeted with a smile, asked important questions, and are treated according to the highest of company…

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Clear Evaluations are Hiring Video Mystery Shoppers

January 7, 2018

Company Overview: Clear Evaluations is a mystery shopping company dedicated to serving the following industries: apartments, new home builders, automotive services, sales, banks, hotels, retail, and restaurants. The organization has been specializing in the video mystery shopping field for over 15 years and is located in Houston, Texas.   How to Sign up and Get…

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This Simple Mystery Shop Pays $100

January 6, 2018

Entering a new year is a fresh and new beginning but it can also bring in some not so desirable parts with it – holiday debt. At Mystery Shopper Magazine, we are always in search of finding interesting, fun, and high paying assignments for our readers to take advantage of. Today we have found a…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies for 2018

January 1, 2018

The new year has officially fallen upon us and perhaps you have a brand new resolution to earn more money in 2018. A great way to accomplish this goal is to add some mystery shopping companies to your portfolio. If you start now, you will be financially ready to pay off that annoying credit card…

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How to Become a Papa John’s Mystery Shopper

December 30, 2017

It is hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and the new year is only a couple of days away. I cannot think of a better way to ring in 2018 than with indulging in a fresh, tasty, and delicious pizza. Papa John’s is one of the most recognizable pizza restaurant companies in…

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Work From Home Mystery Shopping Jobs

December 26, 2017

A part of my weekly routine consists of frequenting various mystery shopping websites in search of the latest assignments and information that you the shopper may find useful to know. I came across an interesting job assignment on the Mystery Shop Forum that goes hand in hand with the profession of mystery shopping itself.  …

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How to Get a Free Dental Cleaning with Mystery Shopping

December 20, 2017

As the saying goes, “The greatest things in life are free” and this mystery shopping assignment is certainly that and more. Not only does this shop offer a free dental cleaning but you will also receive free x-rays along with an additional $8.00 for your time. Where else can you go and get paid to…

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How to Become a Funeral Home Mystery Shopper

December 17, 2017

One of my favorite parts about researching mystery shopping opportunities is finding a wide variety of some of the most unique and interesting jobs out there. Today’s mystery shopping assignment may just be the front-runner on my list of all-time greats. Mystery Shop Forum, the number one source for all things mystery shopping, has a…

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MSP: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

December 13, 2017

Company Overview: Mystery Shopper Pros (MSP) is a mystery shopping company based in the city of Jacksonville, Florida with the motto, “Coming Together is a Beginning, Keeping Together is Progress and Working Together is Success.” They are currently hiring mystery shoppers for the upcoming Christmas season. Some of the kinds of assignments offered are in the…

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This Shop Pays $40 for Taking a Tour of a Daycare

December 10, 2017

A tremendous mystery shopping opportunity awaits for the readers of our industry’s premium source for information – the Mystery Shop Forum. Currently, there is an interesting childcare facility tour assignment for those who have children five years old or younger. Actually, you do not even have to be a real parent; this shop states that…

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5 Mystery Companies that are Hiring for Christmas

December 6, 2017

It is hard to believe that in only a few short weeks we will be entering the Christmas season. Families across the world will be traveling and gathering together to celebrate this special time of year. With this festive time filled with food, presents, and fun also brings with it a lot of additional expenses….

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Make $45 by Mystery Shopping a Senior Living Facility

December 3, 2017

Company Overview: Primo Solutions LLC is a full-service Mystery Shopping and marketing company that provides assignments in the senior living industry. Primo Solutions offers shops within an independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, home health, and rehabilitation environment. This company prides themselves on being “the largest provider of mystery shops in the senior living space.”…

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This Mystery Shop Pays $45 to Attend a Church

November 29, 2017

Every Sunday morning, millions of people across the country come together to attend church services or other religious gatherings. Do you fit into this category? If so, you will love this new mystery shopping opportunity found on the Mystery Shop Forum. This mystery shop is not just for those who attend church, in fact, this…

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RBG is Hiring Mystery Shoppers for Christmas

November 26, 2017

Company Overview: Reality Based Group (RBG) has been rooted in the mystery shopping industry for over 22 years. According to their website it states, “Reality Based Group offers every form of mystery shopping imaginable to fit your needs. From video, written, phone, and online mystery shopping to manufacturer and competitive mystery shopping, RBG has you…

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Earn $50 to Fail an Exam with Mystery Shopping

November 23, 2017

Today is Thanksgiving, and I would like to wish each and every person a wonderful holiday. We all have a lot to be thankful for and one thing that comes to mind is having the ability to make extra money through jobs like mystery shopping. These opportunities truly give shoppers the freedom of supplementing their…

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This Bank Mystery Shop Pays $40 per Hour

November 19, 2017

In case you were unaware, Mystery Shop Forum is the premier online resource for mystery shoppers all over the world. Recently, I found an investment assignment listed under the “Mystery Shopping Job Board” that pays $40 dollars for an hour of your time. These shops are available all over the United States and they do…

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5 Mystery Shopping Companies Hiring for the Holidays

November 15, 2017

We are approaching two of the busiest times of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas. As everyone knows, the holidays also bring a lot of fun, food, and the need for some extra funds. Having extra cash on hand is a necessity this time of year so why not begin to pick up a few extra…

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GFK: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

November 12, 2017

Company Overview: GfK is a large international company with employees working all over the world. In 2016, they reported a total of 13,069 workers globally in areas like Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia. GfK offers mystery shopping assignments in a ton of areas such as automotive, energy, fashion, financial services, health, travel, retail,…

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Earn $100 to Mystery Shop New Homes

November 8, 2017

The holidays are fast approaching, and we could all use some well-paying mystery shopping assignments in preparation for this potentially expensive time of year. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas are all coming very quickly and if we’re not careful with our money, we could find ourselves in the red.   So, let’s get ready for…

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This Mystery Shop Pays $120 to Open a Bank Account

November 5, 2017

In case you didn’t know, Mystery Shop Forum holds a wealth of information for everything mystery shopping related. There is a section on the forum titled, “Mystery Shopping Job Board,” where aspiring and seasoned mystery shoppers can go to find out the latest and greatest mystery shopping jobs around. As it turns out, there is…

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How to Mystery Shop on Your Smartphone

November 4, 2017

Whether you love or loathe technology, today’s marketplace is moving towards an online era, and mystery shopping is definitely included. The nice aspect of this trend is that it is mystery shopping is becoming a quicker, time efficient, and convenient way to complete shopping assignments through our smartphones which translates into getting paid even faster….

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5 Companies Hiring Telephone Mystery Shoppers

November 1, 2017

Telephone mystery shops are some of the most time-efficient, stress-free, and profitable ways to make extra money. One of the best things about completing these types of assignments is that they can be done anywhere. Shops can be accomplished at home, in the car, or even on your lunch break. Check out these 5 new…

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Video Mystery Shops that Pay $60

October 25, 2017

One of the latest trends in mystery shopping is completing video shopping assignments. These kinds of shops can vary from company to company, but they all have one thing in common – taking a video of your shopping experience. Video mystery shopping assignments typically pay very well, and I recently stumbled across a posting from…

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Work from Home as a Mystery Shopper

October 22, 2017

The mystery shopping industry is flooded with companies that require their shoppers to conduct assignments away from home, in the field. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way for mystery shoppers to complete jobs from the comfort of their own home? Well, there are certainly options for those wishing they could perform assignments…

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This Mystery Shopping App Pays Cash

October 18, 2017

We live in a digital era where more companies are quickly transitioning their business models online and mystery shopping is certainly no exception. There will always be a need for face-to-face assignments however, online mystery shopping is gaining a lot of traction and companies realize that most Americans can’t go anywhere without a smartphone in…

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How to Become an Automotive Mystery Shopper

October 14, 2017

One of my favorite mystery shopping assignments are at name brand car dealerships. One company in particular has quite a few brand-name auto dealership assignments from one of the largest car companies in North America. That company is Bestmark. I’ve personally conducted several of these mystery shopping assignments and have enjoyed them very much.  …

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This Mystery Shop Pays $150 an Hour

October 7, 2017

Dental mystery shops are assignments that are very new to me. Believe it or not, there is a company out there that specializes in providing their shoppers with free dental exams, x-rays, and treatment plan and will also pay you up to $150 on top of that. That’s well over $250 worth of cash and…

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How to Become an IKEA Mystery Shopper

October 4, 2017

Ikea is one of the top home furnishing retail giants and if you’ve ever shopped there, you know why. They have everything from beds to ladle spoons and offer terrific storage ideas suited to a wide demographic. Have you ever wondered if there are mystery shopping opportunities at IKEA? Well, I’m happy to inform you…

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How to Become a Walmart Mystery Shopper

October 1, 2017

Have you ever wondered how to become a mystery shopper exclusively at Walmart? Unfortunately, there have been some Walmart scams floating around the internet, but Mystery Shopping Magazine has found a legitimate company who offers quality assignments with the mega, retail giant. Interested? Keep reading to learn how to sign up for these exciting shopping…

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Mercantile Systems: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

September 27, 2017

Company Overview: Mercantile Systems, Inc. is a mystery shopping company located in Brentwood, CA and promises to “give business owners and management peace of mind by providing accurate, customized products that show you the truth about what is happening throughout your company.” This organization is proudly affiliated with the Mystery Shoppers Providers Association, (MSPA) California…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

September 24, 2017

Mystery shopping is not only a flexible, convenient, and easy way to make extra money, it is something that can be completed at any time during the year. Autumn is the perfect season to begin mystery shopping and start earning cash for the holiday season. Here are 5 mystery shopping companies hiring right now.  …

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Informa: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

September 20, 2017

Company Overview: Informa Research Services Inc., is a mystery shopping company that is located in Calabasas, CA. They specialize in providing assignments in the banking, credit union, credit card companies, law firms, lenders, brokers, insurance companies, corporations, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to name a few. Informa is a complete and comprehensive research firm…

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How to Make an Extra $300 a Month by Mystery Shopping and Simplicity

September 17, 2017

It is simple to find ways to make an extra $300 a month. Easy for me to say right? Yes, but, these are things that I have applied in my own life and try to “practice what I preach.”   Mystery Shopping is a great way to help you reach your $300 a month goal…

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Quality Assessments: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

September 16, 2017

Company Overview: Quality Assessments Mystery Shoppers, (QAMS) are currently looking for newly qualified mystery shoppers to join their company. They are offering shopping assignments in every state within the United States, (except Nevada) and also provide shops in every province in Canada. Having been in operation for over 25 years, QAMS is a veteran company…

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How to Make $100 a Week on Your Commute Home From Work

September 12, 2017

It is possible to make an extra $100 a week on your commute home from work. By signing up for just one mystery shopping assignment a day, you can make an additional $20 a day, $100 a week, or $5,200 a year just by completing one quick shop either on your way to work, during…

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Albatross CX: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

September 6, 2017

Company Overview: Albatross CX is a mystery shopping company that offers assignments all over the world including the United States and Canada. Their website states that they are, “proud to be a genuinely diverse company, with a staff that is over 50% women and represents over 26 different nationalities.” Albatross CX represents 200 clients and…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

September 4, 2017

Finding ways to earn extra money is hard, that’s why we love the mystery shopping industry. It gives shoppers like you and I a fun, interactive, and honest way to make money on the side. At Mystery Shopper Magazine, we are passionate about our craft, and we’re always looking for the best mystery shopping companies…

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How to Make $100 in 3 Days with Mystery Shopping

August 30, 2017

Mystery shopping is a convenient and legitimate way to make $100 in less than half a week. Shoppers have the unique opportunity to complete assignments around their schedules and on their terms. Mystery shops can be done in the morning, afternoon, and evening as well as every day of the week. Does your employer allow…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

August 28, 2017

Our mission is to give shoppers the best mystery shopping companies for new and seasoned shoppers. We take the guesswork out of wondering, “is this mystery shopping company legitimate?” At Mystery Shopper Magazine, we pride ourselves in finding high-quality companies for shoppers to make extra money with. Here are 5 of them looking for new…

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How I Made $14,000 A Year Mystery Shopping

August 24, 2017

It is possible to make a lot of money mystery shopping. How? Well, for this shopper it all began with receiving an email titled, “Sign up and Become a Mystery Shopper!” At this time, the shopper was a 30-year-old law school graduate with nothing but $45,000 of debt under his belt. In the beginning of…

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5 Companies in Need of Mystery Shoppers

August 20, 2017

Are you looking for a simple way to make some extra money without having to get another job? Mystery shopping is a great way to increase your income without being away from your family. Better yet, let them browse around the store while you complete your assignment. Here are 5 mystery shopping companies that are…

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Reality Check: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

August 16, 2017

Company Overview: Reality Check has been assisting companies by providing mystery shopping, satisfaction surveys, and audits for over 20 years. Based out of Seattle, WA, the industries of expertise range from retail, property management, casinos, restaurants, grocery as well as various specialty fields as well.   How to Sign Up and Get Assignments: Reality Check’s…

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5 More Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

August 13, 2017

As the summer is closing in, it is time for the children to go back to school all across the United States. This means parents will be forking out cash for supplies, lunches, and field trips. A great way to supplement your income is by completing some mystery shopping assignments in your spare time. Here…

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Service Sleuth: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

August 9, 2017

Company Overview: Service Sleuth (an HS Brands company) is an international mystery shopping organization with offices located in Switzerland, India, Las Vegas, and Boston. Mystery shoppers can work from virtually anywhere in the world they and serve the North America, Latin America, Middle East, Europe and Asian markets. This company is one of the few…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

August 6, 2017

Becoming a mystery shopper is easier to get into now, more than ever before. There are hundreds of companies that can provide you with a ton of opportunities to start earning some extra money. It’s a flexible, convenient, and a fun way to work without feeling like it’s a typical job. Here are 5 more…

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5 Ways to Fit Mystery Shopping into any Schedule

August 2, 2017

I get it, you’re busy, and you hardly have enough time in the day to get everything done as it is, never mind try to go mystery shopping to earn some extra money. There are ways, but it may require a little extra planning and effort. Here are 5 ways to fit mystery shopping into…

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5 More Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

July 30, 2017

Back to school time is almost here and it’s time to prepare for the upcoming year. The student in your life needs new shoes, clothes, and school supplies and we all could use some extra cash right about now. Mystery shopping is a great way to pay for those hefty expenses. Here are 5 more…

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How to Get Out of Debt Mystery Shopping

July 26, 2017

According to CNBC, The average American family owes $8,377 in credit card debt. In fact, the United States as a whole owes over $1 trillion in credit card debt alone. This is a scary place to be and I want to help you change your life for the better and escape the trap of financial…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

July 23, 2017

If you have ever thought about giving mystery shopping a try, now is the perfect time to earn some extra money on a regular basis. Why not get paid for shopping at stores that you know and love? It’s a great excuse to get out of the house, browse your favorite stores, and get paid…

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Ardent Services: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

July 19, 2017

Company Overview: Ardent Services is a Mystery Shopping company that has been in business for over 20 years. They offer a wide assortment of assignments within the retail, restaurant, resort, hotel, car rental, airline and extended stay industries. An interesting fact about this company is that they serve over 1,500 eateries worldwide.   How to…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

July 16, 2017

If you are enjoying the slow pace of summer, it may be time to start thinking about squeezing in some mystery shopping assignments before the busy fall season begins. There are a lot of extra shops available this time of year, so why not be proactive and make some extra cash? Here are 5 more…

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Harland Clarke: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

July 12, 2017

Company Overview: Harland Clarke is a large research company with their corporate office in San Antonio, TX and has a regional office located in Atlanta, GA. In total, they have over 3600 employees with over 12,000 clients on their roster. Harland Clarke primarily handles mystery shopping jobs exclusively in the banking and financial industry.  …

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5 Companies that Need Mystery Shoppers

July 9, 2017

Summer is one of the best times to make some extra cash mystery shopping. Families are on vacation, the kids are out of school, and people are doing a lot of traveling. So, instead of taking the summer off like everyone else, why not take advantage of completing a few extra shops and start make…

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Customer Impact: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

July 5, 2017

Company Overview: Located in the state of Texas, Customer Impact has operated as a mystery shopping company for over 25 years. Their website states that they have over 200,000 mystery shoppers and represent well-known brands like Mattress Firm, Applebee’s, Hostess, Wagner and Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville. Customer Impact is an innovative company offering video, competitor, franchise…

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How to Get Mystery Shops in Your Area

July 2, 2017

We received an email asking us how a mystery shopper can get more shops in their area. Our team of experts researched and brainstormed some of the strategies needed to increase the number of assignments. Here are the top 5 ways you can get more shops and make more money. Sign up with more companies….

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A Closer Look: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

June 28, 2017

Company Overview: A Closer Look (ACL) is a mystery shopping company located in Norcross, GA and they have been in operation for over 20 years. The organization is one of the few licensed to schedule and perform mystery shopping assignments in the state of Nevada. According to their website, they make sure their mystery shoppers…

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5 Companies that Need Mystery Shoppers

June 25, 2017

Finding a legitimate way to make extra cash doesn’t have to be difficult. The good news is that we have already “been there, done that” so we know there are really great mystery shopping companies worth signing up with and working for. Here are 5 new mystery shopping companies to check out in no particular…

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Bare International: Mystery Shopping Jobs (Full Review)

June 23, 2017

Company Overview: Bare International is a full-service research company and mystery shopping is a huge part of their business. The company has been in business for over 30 years and claim that they have mastered the mystery shopping evaluation process. Bare International’s website states that they conduct over 50,000 mystery shopping evaluations each month and…

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5 Companies Hiring Mystery Shoppers

June 19, 2017

Have you been looking for a way to make some extra money that’s real, honest and legitimate? Becoming a mystery shopper may be the answer that you have been looking for. There are tons of reputable mystery shopping companies that are looking for everyday people to review local businesses in their community. Here are five…

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